- Building Relationships, Managing Emotions, and Decision-Making Skills
- Early Mental Health Prevention and Intervention
- Grief and Trauma-Informed Practices
- Positive Youth Development
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
- Registry
How to access this registry?
Visit https://schoolmentalhealthtxdatabase.org/ to review listed programs in this registry.
What is this registry?
This database was created in response to Senate Bill 11 from the 86th Texas Legislature, which required the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to develop a rubric for Education Service Centers (ESCs) to use in identifying resources that are available to schools in their respective regions, along with a list of statewide resources available to school districts to address the mental health of students. This database was created to increase the value and access of the identified resources to all stakeholders. Many resources identified within this database may be used for implementing school-based mental health requirements related to TEC 38.351.
Who is the registry for?
This database is publicly available and accessible to all stakeholders.
What are the cost associated with this registry?
Access to the database is free. The cost of resources within the database are determined by individual program or service providers.
What resources are helpful with the use of this registry?
Texas SMH Resource Database: https://schoolmentalhealthtxdatabase.org/
Rating: Research-Informed
Secondary Components: Substance Use Prevention & Intervention; Positive Behavior Interventions & Support; Positive Safe & Supportive School Climate