- Building Relationships, Managing Emotions, and Decision-Making Skills
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Positive Youth Development
- Substance Use Prevention and Intervention
- Intervention
- Training
How to access this program?
If you are interested in training, please email paxgbg@esc13.net.
What is the program?
The meaning of PAX is peace, productivity, health, and happiness. The PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) is a Tier 1 strategy that is used within classroom settings by teachers. The goal of the program is to increase student engagement, improve academic and mental health outcomes, and strengthen substance abuse prevention. When implemented with fidelity, PAX GBG creates a nurturing classroom environment for both students and adults.
Who is the program for?
PAX GBG is intended for classroom teachers. Training available for Early Childhood (children ages 3-5), Elementary (Grades K-6) and Adolescent (Grades 7-12). Some elementary campuses in Texas are already implementing PAX GBG as a part of Project AWARE Texas.
Once trained in PAX GBG, additional training is offered. The PAX Partner training will build sustainability for PAX GBG within the district/campus. The PAX Next Steps training expands and integrate strategies. The PAX Heroes training provides teachers strategies for students in PAX classrooms who continue to demonstrate higher level behavioral needs
What outcome does the program produce?
- Improved academic performance in math and reading
- Improved student engagement and classroom management
- Improved stress reduction among students and adults
- Increased substance abuse prevention
- Reduces bullying and symptoms of mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders
What is the evidence?
Troncoso, P., & Humphrey, N. (2021). Playing the long game: A multivariate multilevel non-linear growth curve model of long-term effects in a randomized trial of the Good Behavior Game. Journal of School Psychology, 88, 68–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2021.08.002
This evaluative study compares the impact of the PAX GBG intervention over the course of 4 years among 77 schools (279 classroom teachers & 3084 students). Schools that used the PAX GBG saw a decrease each year in concentration problems among their students (140 schools) relative to schools that did not implement the intervention (139 schools). These students saw improvement in areas like paying attention and staying on task over time.
Ong, X. W., Roberts, P., Kinney, S., & Linder, J. (2019). Qualitative Assessment of the PAX Good Behavior Game Implementation. PSYC Student Papers. https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/psycstud_papers/1
This paper evaluates PAX Good Behavior Game by conducting a focus group with teachers and administrators after a year of implementing PAX GBG in their classrooms. Qualitative analysis showed that respondents saw a reduction in behavioral issues among their students, improved classroom control among teachers and overall improved mental wellbeing among PAX GBG participants.
How is the program implemented?
Teachers are trained to integrate identified Kernels, or small techniques used to influence behavior, into their classroom management procedures. Teachers have the flexibility to use the Kernels they feel are appropriate to them. The 4 categories of Kernels are:
- Antecedent Kernels– to create peaceful and productive transitions
- Relational Frame Kernels– helps students predict, self-monitor, and reflect on their actions
- Reinforcement Kernels– procedure for reinforcement and rewarding good behavior
- Physiological Kernels– intended to directly affect behavior of the students and reduces anxiety and depression
Who can implement the program?
Classroom teachers: Early Childhood (children ages 3-5), Elementary (Grades K-6) and Adolescent (Grades 7-12).
What are the costs and commitments associated with becoming trained in this program?
Please contact the program for the most recent costs and commitments, as these may change.
Training is currently grant funded allowing training, classroom materials and access to the PAXIS Institute website for free.
What resources are useful for understanding or implementing the program?
- Website: www.paxis.org
- View options for Texas based trainings here: https://texasgoodbehaviorgame.org//
Rating: Well Supported
Secondary components: Positive Safe and Supportive School Climate; Building Relationships, Managing Emotions, & Decision Making Skills; Positive Youth Development